Pumping Cellular Concrete Vertically

On numerous occasions we’ve been asked if you can pump cellular concrete vertically. You certainly can. We’ve had the opportunity to be a part of a large project in which we pumped cellular concrete 4 stories high. About 4000yds³ of 35 PCF material was placed to level floors on a old timber frame building that […]

Mix Designs And Economics

Cellular Concrete Mix Design Working with Cellular Concrete When working with cellular concrete and considering mix designs, a cardinal rule is that as density decreases, so does strength. In some instances, such as the material needing to be excavated at a later time, the loss of strength is a benefit. An additional benefit is that […]

Cellular Concrete Mix Design Calculator

Download our free mix design calculator for cellular concrete. It will help you save time and hassle when creating mix designs and doing cost scenario analysis. It’s useful for determining batch weights, required amounts of water and concrete, and calculating your costs. download calculator Calculator Tutorial You’ll find the mix design calculator easy to use—with […]

Cellular Concrete FAQs

Note: The following answers are correct to the best of our knowledge, but may not apply in specific applications or situations. Most of them are designed to provide general information, rather than information for a particular project or application. What is the process for making cellular concrete? There are two methods for producing cellular concrete. […]

Cellular Concrete Basics

Continuous Production Cellular Concrete Machine

In this video you will learn the basics of cellular concrete including what it is, common uses, mix designs, and the importance of quality control. We will also go over a few cellular concrete projects Richway Industries has been involved in and show you our Mix Design Calculator that can be downloaded from our website. […]